This is a turbocharged start, but justified by the fact that the founder and investors know each other well, having already been allied in another venture, that of Welldone Global Advisory, an advisory platform for finance to SMEs and startups, led by Vincenzo Macaione (founder of Wopta), controlled by Cordifin, a holding company owned by the Cordioli family, entrepreneurs in the aluminum, zinc and copper sector, and participated in by Key Capital srl, a venture capital investment company founded by Giorgio Di Stefano . In Wopta’s capital, in addition to precisely Macaione (with 60 percent) and top management (5 percent), Cordifin and Key Capital, there are business angels and private investors organized in club deals, and also CNA-Confederazione Nazionale Artigiani (with 6 percent, through the vehicle Aurica srl), which does not appear in Welldone’s capital but has driven its growth by having Welldone work alongside its member companies in the transfer of tax credits from tax bonuses.
The presence of CNA among the investors moreover is no coincidence, because the first insurance products with which Wopta will go to market are designed for artisans, entrepreneurs and professionals with the aim of offering them the protection best suited to the type of business of each. The idea, however, is to involve other trade associations, including verticals, with ad hoc or supply chain products.